Published on: 2024-06-27. 🔗 Permalink

Workshop 'Ontoserver' in July 2024

On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, a workshop on the topic “Central Terminology Server for MII & NUM: Actual state in 2024” took place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The slides are now available below:

Session Topic Speaker Slides
1 Introduction: Service Unit Terminological Services & FHIR terminology resources and services Josef Ingenerf
2 Introduction to Ontoserver: Ontoserver implementation in Cologne and its use & Ontoserver Syndication Mechanisms Muhammad Adnan
3 Onboarding for accessing the central Ontoserver: Requirements, procedure, existing documentation René Tielsch-Nebel
4 Restructuring: Preparation of terminological resources from KDS 2.0 Joshua Wiedekopf
5 Restructuring: Offline provision of terminologies via DSF framework Bettina Uliczka

Session 1: Josef Ingenerf - Keynote Central Terminology Server for MII & NUM: Actual state in 2024

Session 2: Muhammad Adnan - Introduction to Ontoserver & Access to Central Instance @ Cologne

Session 3: René Tielsch-Nebel - Central Terminology Server for MII & NUM

Session 4: Joshua Wiedekopf - Re-deployment and availability of current KDS resources

Session 5: Bettina Uliczka - Providing terminologies via the DSF