Frequently asked questions

We strive to answer commonly asked questions on this page. If you reach out to us, we may add the answer to your questions below. If this page doesn't address your question, please reach out to us via E-Mail or MII Zulip Chat.

More FAQ entries are currently being written by the SU-TermServ team. This page will be updated whenever a new FAQ entry is added.

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User certificate setup

Access protection using mTLS The instance of Ontoserver that is hosted through the SU-TermServ is protected using Mutual TLS. This means that with every access to the endpoint, a mutual certifica...

Certificate request process

Access protection using mTLS The instance of Ontoserver that is hosted through the SU-TermServ is protected using Mutual TLS. This means that with every access to the endpoint, a mutual certifica...

How and why to use ConceptMap/$closure

The FHIR services $expand, $lookup, $validate-code, $subsumes, $translate already cover many use cases. However, they cannot integrate terminology-based logic in their queries or enable logical co...

How and why to use CodeSystem/$find-matches

The FHIR service $find-matches is used to search a CodeSystem on the basis of defined properties. The result is a set of codes that match the properties. The following CodeSystem has been defined ...

Upload FHIR resources

Our server is set up so that you cannot upload FHIR resources yourself. We have defined a workflow through which you can send resources to us. Please follow the instructions on the Requesting content uploads page.