HL7 Germany FHIR and Terminology Community Days 2024


Download practical exercise The Postman collection is available on GitLab. The certificate is available here until Wednesday. At the FHIR and Terminology Community Days, organized by HL7 Germany, SU-TermServ will be represented with a contribution. The focus of the presentation will be on the terminology servers provided by SU-TermServ, which are of central importance for the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) and the Network of University Medicine (NUM) in partic...

The new production server of the SU-TermServ


Since November 11, 2024, the new production server of Service Unit Terminological Services (SU-TermServ) is operational. With this, the SU-TermServ now provides a powerful platform for delivering terminology services within the Medical Informatics Initiative (MII) and the Network of University Medicine (NUM). The new server is accessible at the address https://ontoserver.mii-termserv.de/fhir 🔐 for FHIR clients. Previously, SU-TermServ provided services at the address https://terminology-hig...

Balloting of the central MII terminology server


In recent years, the central terminology server for the MII, which is operated by the SU-TermServ, has been available at the address https://terminology-highmed.medic.medfak.uni-koeln.de/fhir. The server was created within the HiGHmed project. With the start of the current funding phase of the MII in January 2023, an independent 2b project was established to professionalize the operation of this server and to expand the target audience to the entire MII and NUM. We are pleased to finally pre...

Workshop 'Ontoserver' in July 2024


On Wednesday, July 10, 2024, a workshop on the topic “Central Terminology Server for MII & NUM: Actual state in 2024” took place from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. The slides are now available below: Session Topic Speaker Slides 1 Introduction: Service Unit Terminological Services & FHIR terminology resources and services Josef Ingenerf 2 Introduction to Ontoserver: Ontoserver impl...

Publication of the book "Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT"


I am pleased to announce the publication of our (German-language) textbook “Referenzterminologie SNOMED CT - Interlingua zur GewĂ€hrleistung semantischer InteroperabilitĂ€t in der Medizin” (SNOMED CT Reference Terminology - Interlingua for Ensuring Semantic Interoperability in Medicine) published by Springer! 🎉 Since its licensing in Germany in 2021, SNOMED CT has been playing an increasing role in the digitization of healthcare, among other things in connection with the establishment of HL7 F...

Terminology Server Challenge @ GMDS 2023


During the 68th annual conference of the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology (GMDS), the GMDS 2023, the GMDS working group Medizinische Terminologien und Klassifikationen (Medical Terminologies and Classsifications, MTK), together with the SU-TermServ, is organising a terminology server challenge. The Terminology Server Challenge is taking place on Thursday, the 21th of September from 09:00 to approx. 16:00 in Room T.1.52. We are looking forward to your pa...

Workshop 'Ontoserver' in June 2023


A workshop on “Using and Accessing a Terminology Server in the NUM-RDP Project” was held on Wednesday, June 28, 2023 from 10 am to 1 pm. Programme Block Topic Speaker Slides 1 Josef Ingenerf (University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein) Keynote 2 Lukas Emmerich (Healex GmbH) Introduction to Terminologies 3 Muhammad Adnan (University Medical Center Cologne ...

Project meeting in April 2023


From April 5th to April 6th, 2023, the team of the Service Unit Terminological Services (SU-TermServ) has meet in LĂŒbeck for a working meeting and strategy workshop. One-and-a-half days have been filled with extremely productive talks, to be able to offer the best services possible to partners in the Medical Informatics Iniatitive and the Network University Medicine in the new grant phase. front row: Ana Grönke, Muhammad Adnan, Samer Alkarkoukly, RenĂ© Tielsch-Nebel ...